Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Here Goes Nothing!

I'm neither particularly adept at writing, nor am I an even slightly interesting person. I am, however, bursting with thoughts and feelings. Sometimes I feel like my mind will explode with the mass of it all. I'm starting this blog in the hope of letting it all out and maybe gaining some like-minded internet friends. I have only one secret, otherwise I'm an open book. I see no reason to lie or hide behind fabrications. I like loud music and bright colors. My kitchen is lime green and I'm rocking Rise Against in my car.

At the moment I'm a confused college student. I don't know what I want out of life, other than happiness. I'm almost done with a degree in microbiology but I daydream of owning a purple bakery. Biology fascinates me but I'm not certain that it's what I want to spend my life doing.

I invite you to join me on this adventure. I promise to offend and entertain you.

1 comment:

  1. I am certainly willing to follow you on this adventure. I'm hoping for equal parts offense and entertainment. Do not disappoint me. :)
